

Date Panel Item Activity
10 actions
Intellectual disability v3.1564 SMARCA5 Eleanor Williams Tag gene-checked tag was added to gene: SMARCA5.
Intellectual disability v3.1519 SMARCA5 Ivone Leong Tag Q2_21_rating was removed from gene: SMARCA5.
Tag Q2_21_NHS_review was removed from gene: SMARCA5.
Intellectual disability v3.1519 SMARCA5 Sarah Leigh commented on gene: SMARCA5
Intellectual disability v3.1519 SMARCA5 Ivone Leong Source Expert Review Green was added to SMARCA5.
Rating Changed from Amber List (moderate evidence) to Green List (high evidence)
Intellectual disability v3.1120 SMARCA5 Zornitza Stark reviewed gene: SMARCA5: Rating: GREEN; Mode of pathogenicity: None; Publications: 33980485; Phenotypes: Neurodevelopmental disorder, microcephaly, dysmorphic features; Mode of inheritance: MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, NOT imprinted
Intellectual disability v3.1117 SMARCA5 Arina Puzriakova Tag Q2_21_rating tag was added to gene: SMARCA5.
Tag Q2_21_NHS_review tag was added to gene: SMARCA5.
Intellectual disability v3.1117 SMARCA5 Arina Puzriakova Classified gene: SMARCA5 as Amber List (moderate evidence)
Intellectual disability v3.1117 SMARCA5 Arina Puzriakova Added comment: Comment on list classification: New gene added and reviewed Green by Julia Baptista (RD&E NHS FT). SMARCA5 should be promoted to Green at the next GMS panel update.

Variants have been associated with a variable neurodevelopmental phenotype including predominantly mild DD, short stature, and microcephaly (PMID:33980485). Regarding cognition, four probands had mild ID and one had severe ID. Although relatively mild in most patients, the number of unrelated families presenting ID is sufficient for a Green rating and inclusion on this panel should increase the likelihood of detecting cases.
Intellectual disability v3.1117 SMARCA5 Arina Puzriakova Gene: smarca5 has been classified as Amber List (Moderate Evidence).
Intellectual disability v3.1100 SMARCA5 Julia Baptista gene: SMARCA5 was added
gene: SMARCA5 was added to Intellectual disability. Sources: Literature
Mode of inheritance for gene: SMARCA5 was set to MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, NOT imprinted
Publications for gene: SMARCA5 were set to 33980485
Phenotypes for gene: SMARCA5 were set to intellectual disability; postnatal microcephaly; hypotonia; failure to thrive
Penetrance for gene: SMARCA5 were set to unknown
Review for gene: SMARCA5 was set to GREEN
Added comment: The authors identified seven missense variants, one splice-altering variant that led to exon skipping and in-frame deletion, and one recurrent in-frame deletion in 12 individuals from
10 unrelated families. The variant was de novo in nine individuals. They presented a broad range of clinical features from isolated autism to syndromic intellectual disability.
Sources: Literature