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Intellectual disability v3.129 CAPZA2 Eleanor Williams Phenotypes for gene: CAPZA2 were changed from to intellectual disability
Intellectual disability v3.128 CAPZA2 Eleanor Williams Classified gene: CAPZA2 as Amber List (moderate evidence)
Intellectual disability v3.128 CAPZA2 Eleanor Williams Added comment: Comment on list classification: 2 cases reported. Some functional evidence but not enough to promote to green.
Intellectual disability v3.128 CAPZA2 Eleanor Williams Gene: capza2 has been classified as Amber List (Moderate Evidence).
Intellectual disability v3.127 CAPZA2 Eleanor Williams gene: CAPZA2 was added
gene: CAPZA2 was added to Intellectual disability. Sources: Literature
Mode of inheritance for gene: CAPZA2 was set to MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, imprinted status unknown
Publications for gene: CAPZA2 were set to 32338762
Review for gene: CAPZA2 was set to AMBER
Added comment: Not associated with a disease phenotype in OMIM.

PMID: 32338762 - Huang et al 2020 - report 2 unrelated families (Chinese and European) in which a de novo heterozygous variant has been identified in CAPZA2 in paediatric probands that present with global motor development delay, speech delay, intellectual disability, hypotonia. One proband had seizures at 7 months but these were controlled with medication and did not repeat. The other proband at age one had an atypical febrile seizure that was controlled without medication. Functional studies in Drosophila suggest that these variants are mild loss of function mutations but that they can act as dominant negative variants in actin polymerization in bristles.
Sources: Literature