

Date Panel Item Activity
1 actions
COVID-19 research v0.36 CASP8 Ellen McDonagh gene: CASP8 was added
gene: CASP8 was added to Viral susceptibility. Sources: Expert Review Green,ESID Registry 20171117,North West GLH,Victorian Clinical Genetics Services,GRID V2.0,NHS GMS,GOSH PID v.8.0,London North GLH,IUIS Classification February 2018
Mode of inheritance for gene: CASP8 was set to BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
Publications for gene: CASP8 were set to 24240292; 16157684; 12353035; 20301287
Phenotypes for gene: CASP8 were set to Caspase-8 deficiency state; Immunodeficiency due to CASP8 deficiency; CEDS; ?Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome, type IIB, 607271; Diseases of Immune Dysregulation; Caspase 8 deficiency; Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS); Adenopathies, splenomegaly, bacterial and viral infections, hypogammaglobulinemia