

Date Panel Item Activity
4 actions
COVID-19 research v1.59 CCL3L1 Eleanor Williams Tag ensembl_ids_known_missing tag was added to gene: CCL3L1.
COVID-19 research v1.59 CCL3L1 Eleanor Williams commented on gene: CCL3L1
COVID-19 research v0.176 CCL3L1 Sarah Leigh reviewed gene: CCL3L1: Rating: RED; Mode of pathogenicity: ; Publications: 15637236, 15637236, 19812560, 19812561, 19812562; Phenotypes: {HIV/AIDS, susceptibility to} 609423; Mode of inheritance: Unknown
COVID-19 research v0.121 CCL3L1 Sarah Leigh gene: CCL3L1 was added
gene: CCL3L1 was added to Viral susceptibility. Sources: OMIM
Mode of inheritance for gene: CCL3L1 was set to