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Intellectual disability v5.256 DNAH14 Sarah Leigh Publications for gene: DNAH14 were set to 35438214
Intellectual disability v5.256 DNAH14 Sarah Leigh Classified gene: DNAH14 as Red List (low evidence)
Intellectual disability v5.256 DNAH14 Sarah Leigh Gene: dnah14 has been classified as Red List (Low Evidence).
Intellectual disability v5.255 DNAH14 Sarah Leigh reviewed gene: DNAH14: Rating: RED; Mode of pathogenicity: None; Publications: 26036949, 30125339, 26636390, 32848021; Phenotypes: ; Mode of inheritance: BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
Intellectual disability v3.1561 DNAH14 Konstantinos Varvagiannis gene: DNAH14 was added
gene: DNAH14 was added to Intellectual disability. Sources: Literature
Mode of inheritance for gene: DNAH14 was set to BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
Publications for gene: DNAH14 were set to 35438214
Penetrance for gene: DNAH14 were set to unknown
Review for gene: DNAH14 was set to RED
Added comment: Li et al (2022 - PMID: 35438214) describe 3 individuals harboring biallelic DNAH14 variants. In addition the authors perform a review of cases previously published in the literature.

The reported phenotype does not appear to be very consistent or specific (seizures with highly variable age of onset with or without DD / cognitive delay). Comparison with previously reported subjects (not further reviewed) - discussed in text and appearing mixed in table 1 - does not seem to support an overlapping phenotype.

The authors comment that DNAH14 encodes a heavy chain of axonemal dyneins. Little evidence is provided to support the role of the gene in the pathogenesis of the disorder and pathogenicity of the variants (ultra-rare and predicted in silico to be deleterious).
Sources: Literature