

Date Panel Item Activity
5 actions
Intellectual disability v3.1469 IBA57 Arina Puzriakova Phenotypes for gene: IBA57 were changed from Multiple mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome 3, 615330; intellectual disability, seizures, loss of milestones to Multiple mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome 3, OMIM:615330
Intellectual disability v2.465 IBA57 Louise Daugherty Classified gene: IBA57 as Green List (high evidence)
Intellectual disability v2.465 IBA57 Louise Daugherty Added comment: Comment on list classification: New gene added by external expert and reviewed by curation team, enough evidence to support gene-disease association and relevance to this panel to rate this gene Green
Intellectual disability v2.465 IBA57 Louise Daugherty Gene: iba57 has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).
Intellectual disability v2.464 IBA57 Louise Daugherty gene: IBA57 was added
gene: IBA57 was added to Intellectual disability. Sources: Expert list
Mode of inheritance for gene: IBA57 was set to BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
Publications for gene: IBA57 were set to 28671726; 23462291; 25971455; 28913435; 27785568
Phenotypes for gene: IBA57 were set to Multiple mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome 3, 615330; intellectual disability, seizures, loss of milestones
Review for gene: IBA57 was set to GREEN
Added comment: New gene suggested by external expert (and reviewed by curation team, enough evidence to support gene-disease association and relevance to this panel to rate this gene Green
Sources: Expert list