

Date Panel Item Activity
6 actions
Congenital hypothyroidism v2.10 ISCA-37404-Loss Arina Puzriakova commented on Region: ISCA-37404-Loss
Congenital hypothyroidism v2.10 ISCA-37404-Loss Arina Puzriakova GRCh38 position for ISCA-37404-Loss was changed from 22782170-28134729 to 22782170-28134728.
Required Overlap Percentage for ISCA-37404-Loss was changed from 80 to 60.
Congenital hypothyroidism v1.21 ISCA-37404-Loss Ivone Leong Classified Region: ISCA-37404-Loss as Amber List (moderate evidence)
Congenital hypothyroidism v1.21 ISCA-37404-Loss Ivone Leong Added comment: Comment on list classification: Demoted from green to amber as adviced by Nadia Schoenmakers (East of England GLH).
Congenital hypothyroidism v1.21 ISCA-37404-Loss Ivone Leong Region: isca-37404-loss has been classified as Amber List (Moderate Evidence).
Congenital hypothyroidism v1.2 ISCA-37404-Loss Louise Daugherty Region: ISCA-37404-Loss was added
Region: ISCA-37404-Loss was added to Congenital hypothyroidism or thyroid agenesis. Sources: ClinGen,Expert Review Green
Mode of inheritance for Region: ISCA-37404-Loss was set to MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, imprinted status unknown
Publications for Region: ISCA-37404-Loss were set to 22045295; 7611294
Phenotypes for Region: ISCA-37404-Loss were set to microcephaly; 105834; Developmental delay, muscle weakness; Mental retardation; Angelman syndrome; 176270; Prader-Willi syndrome