

Date Panel Item Activity
4 actions
Intellectual disability v3.219 NCAPH Arina Puzriakova Classified gene: NCAPH as Red List (low evidence)
Intellectual disability v3.219 NCAPH Arina Puzriakova Added comment: Comment on list classification: Additional cases are required to substantiate causation but added to watchlist.
Intellectual disability v3.219 NCAPH Arina Puzriakova Gene: ncaph has been classified as Red List (Low Evidence).
Intellectual disability v3.218 NCAPH Arina Puzriakova gene: NCAPH was added
gene: NCAPH was added to Intellectual disability. Sources: Literature
watchlist tags were added to gene: NCAPH.
Mode of inheritance for gene: NCAPH was set to BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
Publications for gene: NCAPH were set to 27737959
Phenotypes for gene: NCAPH were set to Microcephaly 23, primary, autosomal recessive, 617985
Added comment: Associated with Microcephaly 23 in OMIM and a possible gene for microcephaly in G2P.

PMID: 27737959 (2016) - A homozygous missense variant in NCAPH (c.728C>T, p.Pro243Leu) was detected in a 42-year-old male with microcephaly (OFC -4.2 SD) and moderate ID. Functional studies indicated that although the variant did not affect cellular protein levels, it disrupted condensin-dependent mitotic chromosome integrity, providing supporting evidence for pathogenicity. Biallelic variants in other genes encoding subunits of the two condensin complexes result in a similar phenotype.
Sources: Literature