

Date Panel Item Activity
11 actions
Severe microcephaly v2.285 NUP188 Eleanor Williams Phenotypes for gene: NUP188 were changed from Sandestig-Stefanova syndrome, 618804 to Sandestig-Stefanova syndrome, OMIM:618804
Severe microcephaly v2.284 NUP188 Eleanor Williams Tag for-review was removed from gene: NUP188.
Severe microcephaly v2.282 NUP188 Sarah Leigh commented on gene: NUP188
Severe microcephaly v2.281 NUP188 Eleanor Williams Source Expert Review Green was added to NUP188.
Rating Changed from Amber List (moderate evidence) to Green List (high evidence)
Severe microcephaly v2.26 NUP188 Arina Puzriakova Phenotypes for gene: NUP188 were changed from microcephaly; ID; cataract; structural brain abnormalities; hypoventilation to Sandestig-Stefanova syndrome, 618804
Severe microcephaly v2.25 NUP188 Arina Puzriakova Classified gene: NUP188 as Amber List (moderate evidence)
Severe microcephaly v2.25 NUP188 Arina Puzriakova Added comment: Comment on list classification: There is sufficient evidence to rate this gene Green at the next major review - progressive microcephaly reported in at least 5 affected individuals due to biallelic truncating variants in NUP188.
Severe microcephaly v2.25 NUP188 Arina Puzriakova Gene: nup188 has been classified as Amber List (Moderate Evidence).
Severe microcephaly v2.24 NUP188 Arina Puzriakova Tag for-review tag was added to gene: NUP188.
Severe microcephaly v2.24 NUP188 Arina Puzriakova reviewed gene: NUP188: Rating: GREEN; Mode of pathogenicity: None; Publications: 32021605, 32275884; Phenotypes: Sandestig-Stefanova syndrome, 618804; Mode of inheritance: BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
Severe microcephaly v2.19 NUP188 Zornitza Stark gene: NUP188 was added
gene: NUP188 was added to Severe microcephaly. Sources: Expert list
Mode of inheritance for gene: NUP188 was set to BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
Publications for gene: NUP188 were set to 32021605; 28726809; 32275884
Phenotypes for gene: NUP188 were set to microcephaly; ID; cataract; structural brain abnormalities; hypoventilation
Review for gene: NUP188 was set to GREEN
gene: NUP188 was marked as current diagnostic
Added comment: Eight unrelated individuals reported.
Sources: Expert list