

Date Panel Item Activity
4 actions
COVID-19 research v0.203 PIK3CG Sophie Hambleton reviewed gene: PIK3CG: Rating: GREEN; Mode of pathogenicity: None; Publications: ; Phenotypes: ; Mode of inheritance: BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
COVID-19 research v0.186 PIK3CG Ivone Leong Classified gene: PIK3CG as Green List (high evidence)
COVID-19 research v0.186 PIK3CG Ivone Leong Gene: pik3cg has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).
COVID-19 research v0.185 PIK3CG Ivone Leong gene: PIK3CG was added
gene: PIK3CG was added to Viral susceptibility. Sources: Expert list
Mode of inheritance for gene: PIK3CG was set to BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
Publications for gene: PIK3CG were set to 32001535; 31554793
Phenotypes for gene: PIK3CG were set to Immune dysregulation; HLH-like; childhood-onset antibody defects; cytopenias; T lymphocytic pneumonitis and colitis
Review for gene: PIK3CG was set to GREEN
Added comment: "Two individuals with complex immunological phenotypes reported and a mouse model. Sources: Literature
Zornitza Stark (Australian Genomics), 30 Apr 2020" - review copied from Primary immunodeficiency (Version 2.151).

"Comment on list classification: Gene added by Zornitza Stark (Australian Genomics) with recommended Green status based on provided evidence. There is enough evidence for this gene to be rated Green.
Ivone Leong (Genomics England Curator), 5 May 2020" - review copied from Primary immunodeficiency (Version 2.151).
Sources: Expert list