

Date Panel Item Activity
7 actions
Skeletal dysplasia v1.262 SP7 Eleanor Williams Classified gene: SP7 as Green List (high evidence)
Skeletal dysplasia v1.262 SP7 Eleanor Williams Added comment: Comment on list classification: Changing rating from red to green. Including genes that are green on the Osteogenesis imperfecta panel (panel ID:196, version 2.0) as green on the Skeletal dysplasia panel on the advice of Prof Lyn Chitty.
Skeletal dysplasia v1.262 SP7 Eleanor Williams Gene: sp7 has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).
Skeletal dysplasia v1.153 SP7 Eleanor Williams Added phenotypes Osteogenesis imperfecta, type XII 613849 for gene: SP7
Publications for gene SP7 were changed from 20579626 to 2057926; 29382611
Skeletal dysplasia v1.147 SP7 Tracy Lester reviewed gene: SP7: Rating: AMBER; Mode of pathogenicity: ; Publications: 29382611, 2057926; Phenotypes: Osteogenesis imperfecta, type XII 613849; Mode of inheritance: BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
Skeletal dysplasia v1.146 SP7 Eleanor Williams reviewed gene: SP7: Rating: AMBER; Mode of pathogenicity: ; Publications: ; Phenotypes: ; Mode of inheritance:
Skeletal dysplasia v1.145 SP7 Eleanor Williams Source NHS GMS was added to SP7.