

Date Panel Item Activity
9 actions
Skeletal dysplasia v2.83 ZIC1 Arina Puzriakova Tag curated_removed tag was added to gene: ZIC1.
Skeletal dysplasia v1.248 ZIC1 Eleanor Williams Classified gene: ZIC1 as No list
Skeletal dysplasia v1.248 ZIC1 Eleanor Williams Added comment: Comment on list classification: Making this gene grey as there is agreement from GMS musculoskeletal group (Tracy Lester) that there is no major skeletal involvement. It is green on the Craniosynostosis panel.
Skeletal dysplasia v1.248 ZIC1 Eleanor Williams Gene: zic1 has been removed from the panel.
Skeletal dysplasia v1.193 ZIC1 Rhoda Akilapa reviewed gene: ZIC1: Rating: ; Mode of pathogenicity: None; Publications: ; Phenotypes: Craniosynostosis; Mode of inheritance: None
Skeletal dysplasia v1.153 ZIC1 Eleanor Williams Added phenotypes Craniosynostosis 6 616602 for gene: ZIC1
Skeletal dysplasia v1.147 ZIC1 Tracy Lester reviewed gene: ZIC1: Rating: AMBER; Mode of pathogenicity: ; Publications: 26340333; Phenotypes: Craniosynostosis 6 616602; Mode of inheritance: MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, imprinted status unknown; Current diagnostic: yes
Skeletal dysplasia v1.146 ZIC1 Eleanor Williams reviewed gene: ZIC1: Rating: AMBER; Mode of pathogenicity: ; Publications: ; Phenotypes: ; Mode of inheritance:
Skeletal dysplasia v1.145 ZIC1 Eleanor Williams Source NHS GMS was added to ZIC1.
Rating Changed from Green List (high evidence) to Green List (high evidence)