

Date Panel Item Activity
3 actions
Undiagnosed metabolic disorders v1.399 NNT Catherine Snow Classified gene: NNT as Green List (high evidence)
Undiagnosed metabolic disorders v1.399 NNT Catherine Snow Gene: nnt has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).
Undiagnosed metabolic disorders v1.398 NNT Catherine Snow gene: NNT was added
gene: NNT was added to Undiagnosed metabolic disorders. Sources: Expert Review
Mode of inheritance for gene: NNT was set to BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
Publications for gene: NNT were set to 27129361; 28546232
Phenotypes for gene: NNT were set to Glucocorticoid deficiency 4, with or without mineralocorticoid deficiency, 614736
Review for gene: NNT was set to GREEN
Added comment: Relevant phenotype in OMIM but not in Gene2Phenotype. Sufficient cases in OMIM to classify NNT as Green
Sources: Expert Review