

Date Panel Item Activity
4 actions
Intellectual disability v3.535 PAX1 Arina Puzriakova Classified gene: PAX1 as Amber List (moderate evidence)
Intellectual disability v3.535 PAX1 Arina Puzriakova Added comment: Comment on list classification: New gene added and rated Amber by Konstantinos Varvagiannis. Updating rating from Grey to Amber based on 2 papers (PMID:29681087 and PMID:23851939) reporting 2 unrelated cases with mild ID.
Intellectual disability v3.535 PAX1 Arina Puzriakova Gene: pax1 has been classified as Amber List (Moderate Evidence).
Intellectual disability v3.170 PAX1 Konstantinos Varvagiannis gene: PAX1 was added
gene: PAX1 was added to Intellectual disability. Sources: Literature,Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen
Mode of inheritance for gene: PAX1 was set to BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
Publications for gene: PAX1 were set to 29681087; 23851939; 28657137
Phenotypes for gene: PAX1 were set to Otofaciocervical syndrome 2, 615560
Penetrance for gene: PAX1 were set to Complete
Review for gene: PAX1 was set to AMBER
Added comment: Biallelic PAX1 pathogenic variants cause Otofaciocervical syndrome 2 (OMIM 615560).

Brief review of the literature suggests 3 relevant publications to date (04-07-2020).

2 individuals with DD and ID have been reported (Patil et al, 2018 - PMID: 29681087 and Pohl et al, 2013 - PMID: 23851939). Other subjects reported were only evaluated as newborns(mostly)/infants [Paganini et al, 2017 - PMID: 28657137, Patil et al, 2018 - PMID: 29681087].

While the first report by Pohl et al identified a homozygous missense variant supported by functional studies [NM_006192.5:c.497G>T - p.(Gly166Val)] subsequent ones identified homozygosity for pLoF mutations [Patil et al: NM_006192.4:c.1173_1174insGCCCG / Paganini et al: NM_006192:c.1104C>A - p.(Cys368*)].

As discussed by Pohl et al:

PAX1 encodes a transcription factor with critical role in pattern formation during embryogenesis. Study of the mouse Gly157Val (equivalent to human Gly166Val) Pax1 variant suggested reduced binding affinity (reduced transactivation of a regulatory sequence of the Nkx3-2 promoter) and hypofunctional nature of this variant.

Mouse models seem to recapitulate features of the disorder (skeletal, immunodeficiency) while the role of Pax1 in hearing process was thought to be supported by early expression (P6) in mouse cochlea.

Overall this gene can be considered for inclusion in the ID panel with amber/green rating.
Sources: Literature, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen